How to Sell Your House With Unpermitted Work in Oklahoma City

If you are planning to make changes to your home, err on the side of caution and find out if the work requires a permit. Never skip this step because getting out of the tangled web you create could become extremely tricky and expensive. For example, many homeowners attempt to cut corners and make home … Continued

4 Disadvantages of Selling a House During the Holiday Season

If you want to sell your house but it’s the middle of the holiday season, you might be wondering if you should sell. That’s a valid question and, frankly, it makes sense to ask. In this blog post, we’re sharing 4 disadvantages of selling a house during the holiday season, which applies to sellers anywhere … Continued

4 Reasons to Sell Your Oklahoma City House Directly

You are likely to avoid what you don’t understand; however, this often leads to missed opportunities. There are many different situations, issues with properties, and reasons for selling. When the time comes to sell your home, the traditional market and all the trappings of a real estate agent aren’t always a perfect fit. So, it’s … Continued

How to Sell a House in Oklahoma City With Fire or Water Damage

Smoke can creep into every nook and cranny and leaves behind odors that require extensive remediation, just as water can leave behind the potential for electrical damage and dangerous mold in its path. You must act swiftly to prevent even more damage to your home as time passes; mold can begin to grow in as … Continued

4 Things You Need to Know About Foreclosures in Oklahoma City

Knowledge truly is power, and educating yourself about a subject unfamiliar to you can help remove the fear of the unknown common to borrowers who find themselves facing the possibility of foreclosure. If you are struggling to make your house payments, taking steps to understand the process will help you plan your moves instead of … Continued